Musicien/ Musician
As a drummer, he participated in the French punk scene of the late 1970s (Stinky Toys, Loose Heart, Guilty razors…) and in the new-wave wave that followed (Mathématiques modernes, Modern guy, Philippe Chany, Elli et Jacno, Lio…). In the 1990s, he was drummer on several albums (Ramuntcho Matta, Denis Frajerman, Jean-François Coen…). But also as composer on several compilations (Unprod, Trace Label…). At the same time, he composes music for short films, CD-ROMs and live shows (theater and puppets), and is involved in the design and production of interactive systems (educational programs for the general public, digital training tools for companies).
In 2002, he released Demain, dès l’aube..., his second album on Trace Label/Le culte du cargo. In this album of varied musical styles, the machines have given way to the musicians, who alternate between written pieces and improvisations.
In 2005, he released Notes et Fragments for the Italian magazine Expérience.
In 2006, he released an album of experimental songs with Elisa Point on vocals: Leçons de chagrin.
In 2020, he releases the vinyl Micrologies N°1 on Optical Sound.
In 2022, release of the post-punk record Mitzpah: Lomesome Harvest on the Pop Supérette label.
- L’ange (Michèle Bokanowski, 2003),
- Pour un pianiste (Michèle Bokanowski, 2005),
- La condition captive (Christine Groult, 2007),
- Post-Minimalism : 4 countries / 19 composers (Divers, 2007),
- Michèle Bokanowski (Michèle Bokanowski, 2008).
- Étoile Absynthe – Chant d’ombre (Michèle Bokanowski, 2010).
//—- English
As a producer, he has released several records on Trace Label concerning electroacoustic music and minimalism, such as:
L’ange (Michèle Bokanowski, 2003),
Pour un pianiste (Michèle Bokanowski, 2005),
La condition captive (Christine Groult, 2007),
Post-Minimalism: 4 countries / 19 composers (Divers, 2007),
Michèle Bokanowski (Michèle Bokanowski, 2008).
And with the OpticalSound label:
Étoile Absynthe – Chant d’ombre (Michèle Bokanowski, 2010).
Universitaire/ Academic
//— English
Since 2000, he has been a lecturer in Hypermedia at the Université Paris-XIII de Villetaneuse.
In 2007, he is Assistant-Professor at the “Internet and Multimedia Engineering” Training and Research Unit at the University of Toulon (INGEMEDIA), where he teaches sound design and interactive writing.
After ten years in charge of a professional degree dedicated to New Sound Technologies (LP TSI NTS), he has been in charge of the Digital Creation master’s program: Digital Art and Culture: Content Creation (ACN-CC) since 2018.
In 2008, he published his thesis Les images et les sons dans les hypermédias artistiques contemporains: de la correspondance à la fusion (L’Harmattan).
He has also published some forty academic articles in numerous scientific journals and books…